Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Qing Dynasty 清朝

(AD 1644-1911)

How did Qing dynasty came into power?

Qing dynasty was the last dynasty of China before China was socially reformed into a republican state. Qing was the second dynasty to rule China as a foreigner apart from Yuan dynasty(1279-1368). Originally, Qing dynasty came from Manchuria, which believe to have descended from the Jin dynasty. For decades Manchuria had been the dominant state of Ming dynasty, however in the late Ming's ere (1610-1630) there had been an internal struggles of p
ower within the Ming Dynasty. On account of the Ming's struggles it had given the Manchuria an opportunity to conquer some of the Chinese cities in Manchuria. Later, in 1644 Manchuria declared them self as "Qing dynasty" after they had conquered the whole China.

List of the Emperors for Qing Dynasty

Nurhaci 1616-1626
Huang Taiji 1626-1643
Shunzhi emperor 1643-1661
Kangxi emperor 1661-1722
Yongzheng emperor 1722-1735
Qianlong emperor 1735-1796
Jiaqing emperor 1796-1820
Daoguang emperor 1820-1850
Xianfeng emperor 1850-1861
Tongzhi emperor 1861-1875Guang xu emperor 1875-1908
Xuantong emperor (PUYI) 1908-1911

Puyi 溥儀 (1906-1967)

Puyi was the last emperor to ever rule China. At the age of 2 years old and 10 months he was crowned as the emperor of China. He was married to Empress Gobulo Wan Kong in 1922 and had three concubines. Although his reign was between 1908-1924 Puyi had actually rule China from 1908-1911 before the republic took over from 1911-1924. In March 1932, Puyi was installed as a ruler of Manchukuo which is a puppet state of Japan. In 1945 when Japanese had lost the WWI Puyi was arrested by the Soviet Red Army (the communist allies with The Republic of China) with the charge of a traitor because he had sided with Japan. After he was released Puyi lived a normal life of a usual citizen. He died in 1967 with kidney cancer and heart diseases.

King George V of the United Kingdom (1865-1936)

King George ruled from 1910 to 1936 in the same reign as the Chinese emperor Puyi. He was the king of one of the greatest Emperor in Europe, the Great British. George entered the military service since he was 12 to the Royal Navy. Unexpectedly, the death of his brother Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, had changed his life. After his brother death George was next in line for the throne of England. In 1910 his father, King Edward III died so he was crowned as the King of England. George rule throughout WWI and during his reign he made voting for woman legal in British. However, in 1928 he was horribly ill from several disease so his son Edward took over. In 1936 George died peacefully in his bedroom and he was buried at St, George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.


During Qing dynasty there were a lot of changes in China's economy. In the end of 18th century the population in China has rose from 70 million to 300 million. The reasons was because of the high production of food. Despite, the increase in population it made more demanding for land and eventually when land were all occupied people have no place to farm and store surplus food. Qing also had expanded its manufacturing and trading, people began to search for job elsewhere rather than in their hometown. However, some part of China that were not connected to the international market suffered badly.

Qing's Arts

During the reign Kargxi(1662-1722) and Qianlong (1736-1795) of Qing
dynasty the art is flourished. Qing art used old shape and form but were very colorful when it comes to color. However, later on Qing's art were partially influenced by the western style. It's also the inventor of the present rice bowl, tea cup, and tea pot.
